Above the Stars Soldier

Above the Stars Soldier

←Back to Digital Art Wičháŋhpi Iwáŋkab Akíčhita ~Above the Stars Soldier~ Program: Adobe Illustrator CS5 Above the Stars Soldier represents the Cloud/Star/Heaven nation. The story of Fallen Star Boy, who fell to earth from the Cloud nation and was adopted by the...
Northern Lights’ Horse

Northern Lights’ Horse

←Back to Digital Art Haŋwákhaŋ Thašúŋke ~Northern Lights’ Horse~ Program: Adobe Illustrator CS5 Many times I recall the story of White Buffalo Calf Woman and the differences in outcomes for people if they approach each other with respect. She also promised the...
His Red Nation

His Red Nation

←Back to Digital Art Thaóyate Dúta ~His Red Nation~ Program: Adobe Illustrator CS5 His Red Nation pays homage to the Dakota Wokiksuye (Dakota 38) memorial ride, and a tribute to the 38 Dakota warriors who were hanged in Mankato, MN in 1862 on orders signed by...

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